
temperature ×
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    count total number of days temperature exceeds 30C during the last 7 days

    I have a dataset from a survey, with the first column containing IDs and the second...

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    Netatmo API to switch thermo-regualtion from heat to cool

    Netatmo API allow to monitor and control Bticino devices with new Home+Control ecosystem. Unfortunately the say...

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    MiniTouch lets existing prosthetic hands relay a sense of temperature

    There are already a number of experimental prosthetic hands that provide users with the tactile sensation...

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    Prosthetic device restores amputee's ability to feel temperature on phantom limb

    A man who lost his hand decades ago has been able to perfectly distinguish between heat...

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    Thermal Earring feels its wearer's heat – via their earlobe

    If you want to continuously monitor your body temperature, and you already wear earrings all day...

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    Could heat therapies relieve depression? Scientists believe so

    In the largest study of its kind, researchers have found that people suffering from major depressive...