
museum ×
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    Quick! Someone Get This Book a Doctor.

    Inside the book conservation lab at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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    Man-made mountain invites museum-goers to scale its peaks

    Designer of Vertical Forests Stefano Boeri Architetti has been commissioned to create a new technology museum...

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    Dead Guy lives!

    "It's not quite the same fun festival if I don't protect Grandpa." The Frozen Dead Guy...

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    Why We Can’t Stop Rushing

    We know that happiness is to be found in taking our time and being present. How...

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    Extraordinary 1-km-long art museum rises out of a lake in China

    Japan's Junya.ishigami+associates recently completed an extraordinary 1-km (0.62-mile)-long project in China. Named the Zaishui Art Museum,...

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    Armour museum's helmet auction rewrites the record books

    People have been collecting helmets for thousands of years, with the finest specimens either closely held...

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    Eye-catching rippling arts center makes waves in China

    MAD Architects has revealed plans for a new mixed-use development in Foshan, Guangdong province, China. The...