
meat ×
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    How to Eat a Rattlesnake

    My mother made a point of raising well-spoken Oklahomans. In her household, country participles like “brang”...

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    Herring do?

    From Andrew Gregory in the Guardian: Swapping red meat for forage fish such as herring, sardines...

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    Australian lab-grown meat cultured from quail cells hits the market in Singapore

    In short: The first product from an Australian lab-grown meat company is on sale in Singapore....

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    Winnipeg theft in spotlight after man arrested for stealing $10,000 worth of meat - Winnipeg | Globalnews.ca

    'They're taking whatever meat possible. We had a situation last week where a gentleman filled up...

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    Magnets for fantasists, plutocrats, oddballs, and corrupt businesspeople

    The society's traditions extended to what historian Holger Hoock describes as "an elaborate set of pseudo-Masonic...

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    Boneless wings aren't wings at all, they're just 'oversized nuggets' — but restaurants love them because they're cheaper and easier to produce

    Boneless wings aren't actually wings at all. Instead, they're made from breaded chicken breast, which is...