
authorization ×
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    ASP .NET Backend authorization middleware does not work when started with VS-Code, but works when started with "dotnet run"

    Some prerequisite information: dotnet version: 7.0.36 Now to my problem: I was working on my project...

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    .NET - Is there a way to validate the httponly header and token?

    I have an ASP.NET Core 8.0 Web API that is configured to authenticate with http-only JWT...

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    Runtime Improvement of Role Based Access Control

    Meta Description (concise): Explore the journey of optimizing the widely used Role Based Access Control (RBAC)...

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    When hashing an API key, should I hash the suffix / prefix as well?

    I am generating API key similarly to Stripe where my key is {prefix}_{guid}_{suffix}. Prefix is a...

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    Flutter GoRouter: how to check the user is authorised to open a deep link

    I need the user of my app to be able to share the URL of a...

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    node.js i can't change the passward by API testing

    i am learnding MERN stack with node and express. now i faced a problem with user...

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    2023 Demonstrated How Critical Robust Authorization Really is

    2023 was a year that starkly revealed the consequences of inadequate cyber security. As businesses grow...

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    Getting 401 unauthorized after using JWT bearer token

    I wanna create authentication and authorization for my web api in .net 8.0.0(which is important considering...