Bookmarks (187)

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    Unquote - Futility Closet

    “A man who has not read Homer is like a man who has not seen the...

  • Worldly Wisdom - Futility Closet

    Proverbs from around the world: “Opportunities come but do not linger.” — Nepalese “If you buy...

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    "Henry King" - Futility Closet

    The Chief Defect of Henry King Was chewing little bits of String. At last he swallowed...

  • Apt - Futility Closet

    Writing in the Wall Street Journal about long sentences in literature, Laurie Winer offered her thoughts...

  • Partiality - Futility Closet

    On hearing that Watership Down was a novel about rabbits written by a civil servant, Craig...

  • "Alternative Endings to an Unwritten Ballad" - Futility Closet

    I stole through the dungeons, while everyone slept, Till I came to the cage where the...

  • No Comment - Futility Closet

    “Lady Dillon told Sir F. Chantrey that English women were more buxom than Italian women. The...

  • Spectator - Futility Closet

    A surprising detail from Duke Ellington’s childhood, from his 1973 autobiography Music Is My Mistress: There...

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    Many Worlds - Futility Closet

    An illusion by University of Texas engineer David Novick: All the spheres have the same light-brown...

  • Good Advice - Futility Closet

    Have the love and fear of God ever before thine eyes; God confirm your faith in...

  • Missing the Mark - Futility Closet

    “The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.” — Voltaire “It has...

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    Interloper - Futility Closet

    After the Battle of Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington was constantly asked to describe his adventures...

  • Passing Tones - Futility Closet

    If you’re driving on the highway and pass a car traveling in the opposite direction, the...

  • By the Book - Futility Closet

    The classic, of course, is the story that tells how Mrs. Webster once accidentally walked into...

  • All Together Now - Futility Closet

    In March 1985, Science Digest published four pangrams composed by its readers — each 26-letter sentence...

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    Fair and Square - Futility Closet

    From Good-Bye to All That, poet Robert Graves’ 1929 account of his experiences in World War...

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    Horsemanship - Futility Closet

    An ambiguous 1904 lithograph, via the Library of Congress. Somewhat similar: the spinning dancer.

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    Going Places - Futility Closet

    From the Strand, May 1899: Our next photograph is a facsimile of an address on a...

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    Rapid Transit - Futility Closet

    A striking technology described in Strand, April 1899: The speck is a bundle of hay descending...

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    Zeckendorf's Theorem - Futility Closet

    Every positive integer can be represented uniquely as the sum of one or more distinct Fibonacci...

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    Variations - Futility Closet

    Illusion Diffusion uses Stable Diffusion to produce illusion artwork. The image above was produced by uploading...

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    In a Word - Futility Closet

    scribacious adj. fond of writing moiler n. a toiler; a drudge demiss adj. downcast; humble; abject...

  • Grammar - Futility Closet


  • First Person - Futility Closet

    Once a woman, speaking to me of love’s delight, said: It begins with a thrill like...

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    Visitor - Futility Closet

    Master of Number, a collage by Gianni Sarcone presented at the Museum of Illusions in Kuala...

  • Rewards - Futility Closet

    Sydney Smith said that Henry Luttrell’s idea of heaven was eating pâté de foie gras to...

  • In Other Words - Futility Closet

    Raymond Queneau’s 1947 book Exercises in Style tells the same story in 99 different ways, from...

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    Recent Developments - Futility Closet

    From Wikimedia user Cmglee: If the history of the universe were recounted backward in a 138-page...

  • Zoology - Futility Closet

    Reponse of a 10-year-old child invited to write an essay about a bird and a beast:...

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    A Number Maze - Futility Closet

    By Wikimedia user Efbrazil. Begin at the star. The number at your current position tells you...

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    The Vista Paradox - Futility Closet

    In Bologna, the former convent of San Michele in Bosco contains a 162-meter hallway that’s “aimed”...

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    Topsy-Turvy - Futility Closet

    “The Great Matrimonial Admonisher and Pacificator,” a reversible lithograph published in Baltimore in 1861. Via the...

  • Memoranda - Futility Closet

    Excerpts from the literary notebooks of Thomas Hardy: “Loughborough used to say, ‘Do what you think...

  • Unquote - Futility Closet

    “Gambling promises the poor what Property performs for the rich: something for nothing.” — Shaw

  • Dream Weaving - Futility Closet

    Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer make knitted illusions. When it’s viewed from the front, each piece...

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    Wine and Roses - Futility Closet

    This portrait of Bacchus contains the images of two lovers. Where are they?

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    Alternating Tread Stairs - Futility Closet

    Conventional stairs are somewhat extravagant: Because users alternate their steps (1), half of each tread goes...

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    Secondhand - Futility Closet

    If nature be regarded as the teacher and we poor human beings as her pupils, the...

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    A Hazy Mate - Futility Closet

    Raymond Smullyan presented this oddity in his Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes in 1980. Suppose we...

  • R.I.P. - Futility Closet

    Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős’ epitaph reads “Végre nem butulok tovább” — “I’ve finally stopped getting dumber.”

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    Head Games - Futility Closet

    This is beautifully well done — a humiliating list of all the ways your brain can...

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    More Geomagic - Futility Closet

    Another geometric magic square from Lee Sallows: (Thanks, Lee!)

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    Seeing Things - Futility Closet

    This is a picture of a cow. If you can’t see it (I couldn’t), there’s an...

  • One World at a Time - Futility Closet

    Thomas Jefferson to the Rev. Isaac Story, Dec. 5, 1801, on the afterlife: When I was...

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    Shipshape - Futility Closet

    These are the punts of Trinity College, Cambridge, moored on the River Cam. What is the...

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    Escort - Futility Closet

    Steaming from New York to the Azores in 1867, Mark Twain noted a curious companion overhead:...

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    Narrow Meaning - Futility Closet

    Reader J. William Hook submitted this curiosity to the Strand in August 1899. Holding the page...

  • Small Talk - Futility Closet

    (Until William Herschel’s advances in telescopes, stars seemed to have “rays” or “tails.”) At a dinner...

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    The Octoplex - Futility Closet

    An art gallery with n walls will always be safe with n/3 guards — the guards...

  • Practice - Futility Closet

    For the past eighty years I have started each day in the same manner. It is...