Bookmarks (174)

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    Bad News - Futility Closet

    In 2015 Nature published an alarming article suggesting that dragons are real and had only gone...

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    Vernacular - Futility Closet

    In 1991, artist Michael Dennis installed his sculpture Reclining Figure in Vancouver’s Guelph Park. In 2012,...

  • Unquote - Futility Closet

    “If it were not for the intellectual snobs who pay — in solid cash — the...

  • Why Not? - Futility Closet

    From a letter from English scholar Walter Raleigh to Mrs. F. Gotch, July 2, 1898: Doe...

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    Topsy Turvy - Futility Closet

    Two sets of reversible faces by Rex Whistler, from 1930 — above, Mayor & Judge; below,...

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    Sir Hilary's Prayer - Futility Closet

    English poet Winthrop Mackworth Praed was renowned for his charades — this one, published in the...

  • Hard of Hearing - Futility Closet

    In 1979 Auberon Waugh was working as a columnist at Private Eye when his editor offered...

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    The Right Track - Futility Closet

    Suppose you’re hiking in the woods and become lost. What’s the best path to follow to...

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    The Territory - Futility Closet

    Much blood has … been spilled on the carpet in attempts to distinguish between science fiction...

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    Black and White - Futility Closet

    “This seems to be my most ingenious two-mover,” wrote Vladimir Nabokov in 1970. He had composed...

  • High and Dry - Futility Closet

    Since much of the Netherlands is below sea level, Dutch farmers needed a way to leap...

  • Board Walk - Futility Closet

    Al writes the numbers 1, 2, …, 2n on a blackboard, where n is an odd...

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    Misc - Futility Closet

    To burn up is to burn down. Litotes is an anagram of T.S. Eliot. 1012658227848 ×...

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    A Fistful of Scrawlers - Futility Closet

    From an 1897 Strand article: The “typewriter glove” was “a contrivance of wash-leather, upon which were...

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    Continuity - Futility Closet

    In 1590 Emperor Rudolf II commissioned Flemish painter Joris Hoefnagel to illuminate the Mira calligraphiae monumenta,...

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    Sousselier's Problem - Futility Closet

    It appears that there was a club and the president decided that it would be nice...

  • Illumination - Futility Closet

    British artist Martin Creed introduced a controversial installation in 1995: an empty room in which the...

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    Peak to Peak - Futility Closet

    Pick any point in the interior of an equilateral triangle and draw a perpendicular to each...

  • Self-Described - Futility Closet

    Long-short-short, long-short-short Dactyls in dimeter, Verse form with choriambs (Masculine rhyme): One sentence (two stanzas) Hexasyllabically...

  • Doppelgänger - Futility Closet

    I don’t normally follow sports, but this seems worth remarking: Tonight Danny Jansen is set to...

  • In a Word - Futility Closet

    pluvial adj. relating to rainfall A little tap at the window, as though some missile had...

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    Floating Faster - Futility Closet

    A problem by Soviet physicist Viktor Lange: It’s not uncommon to see two ships traveling down...

  • Off Schedule - Futility Closet

    Mark Twain approaches the international date line, 1895: Sept. 8. To-morrow we shall be close to...

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    Evidence - Futility Closet

    It must, I think, be allowed, that if a very limited intelligence, whom we shall suppose...

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    Ironically Apt - Futility Closet

    In 2013, Japanese refrigeration company Fukushima Industries introduced a new mascot, a happy winged egg: “I...

  • Catastrophe - Futility Closet

    In Seven Types of Ambiguity (1949), William Empson describes a particularly inscrutable English newspaper headline: ITALIAN...

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    Unquote - Futility Closet

    Someone said to Socrates that a certain man had grown no better by his travels. ‘I...

  • Nontransitive Tennis - Futility Closet

    A problem from the 17th Irish Mathematical Olympiad, in 2004: In a tennis tournament, each player...

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    Tense Trouble - Futility Closet

    Sydney is 14 hours ahead of New York, so when it’s noon in Sydney it’s 10...

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    Discernment - Futility Closet

    The most successful critics are always scribbling things in their programs, largely because it gives them...

  • To the Point - Futility Closet

    In What a Word!, his 1936 examination of English usage, A.P. Herbert takes up a letter...

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    Pithy - Futility Closet

    Mark Antony’s funeral oration rendered in Scrabble tiles, by Pete Stickland: COUNTRYMEN, I AM TO BURY,...

  • Roll Call - Futility Closet

    Unusual personal names collected in Oklahoma by onomastician Thomas Pyles in the 1940s: A. Noble Ladd...

  • Shorthand - Futility Closet

    The so-called four-field approach in anthropology divides the discipline into four subfields: archaeology, linguistics, physical anthropology,...

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    Sharp Practice - Futility Closet

    Talking of shaving the other night at Dr. Taylor’s, Dr. Johnson said, ‘Sir, of a thousand...

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    Stature - Futility Closet

    Venice’s Museo Correr exhibits a pair of wooden implements whose use isn’t immediately clear — they’re...

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    Cube Route - Futility Closet

    A centered hexagonal number is a number that can be represented by a hexagonal lattice with...

  • Reflections - Futility Closet

    Epigrams of poet Ralph Hodgson: Oaths in anguish rank with prayers. The wink was not our...

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    Liberty - Futility Closet

    Reader Derek Christie sent in this surprising curiosity after Wednesday’s post about Borromean rings: Both the...

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    Step by Step - Futility Closet

    “Rules for the direction of the mind,” from an unfinished treatise by René Descartes: The aim...

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    Temper - Futility Closet

    It is time to bury the nonsense of the ‘incomplete animal.’ As Julian Huxley, the eminent...

  • Misc - Futility Closet

    Vatican City has 2.27 popes per square kilometer. Skylab was fined for littering. Five-syllable rhyming words...

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    All Together Now - Futility Closet

    German scientist Gaspar Schott’s 1657 Magia universalis naturæ et artis includes a description of “the music...

  • In a Word - Futility Closet

    rarissima n. extremely rare books, manuscripts, or prints In The Book Hunter (1863), John Hill Burton...

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    The Champ - Futility Closet

    Proposed cabinet of Dizzy Gillespie, who ran for president in 1964: Secretary of State: Duke Ellington...

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    Dis-Connected - Futility Closet

    These circles display an odd property — the three are linked, but no two are linked....

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    Keeping Up - Futility Closet

    Scotland’s Paisley Abbey updated its gargoyles in 1991.

  • Hunting - Futility Closet

    In 1975 British biologist Peter Scott proposed dubbing the Loch Ness Monster Nessiteras rhombopteryx after a...

  • Footwork - Futility Closet

    Dion is a person, a whole man. Theon is that part of Dion that does not...