Useful gems, blogposts, conference talks and all sorts of bookmarks which can make you more effective when working with Ruby.
wvanbergen/chunky_png: Read/write access to PNG images in pure Ruby.
Read/write access to PNG images in pure Ruby.
OWASP/railsgoat: A vulnerable version of Rails that follows the OWASP Top 10
A vulnerable version of Rails that follows the OWASP Top 10
vinistock/sail: Sail is a lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuration settings on a live Rails app
Sail is a lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuration settings on...
s6ruby/pragmas: pragmas gem / library
pragmas gem / library - language syntax pragmas - turn on the future today or add...
pay-rails/pay: A subscription engine for Ruby on Rails.
A subscription engine for Ruby on Rails.
thoughtbot/administrate: A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
rubyapi/rubyapi: Ruby API makes it easy and fast to search or browse the Ruby language API docs
Ruby API makes it easy and fast to search or browse the Ruby language API docs
dreikanter/ruby-bookmarks: Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection
Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection
mattbrictson/tomo: A friendly CLI for deploying Rails apps ✨
A friendly CLI for deploying Rails apps ✨
📰 Sequential-art comic-strip generator written in Ruby which uses RMagick (2005)
st0012/tapping_device: A gem that helps you tracking method calls
A gem that helps you tracking method calls