
supermassive black hole ×
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    Largest map of the universe includes 1300 supermassive black holes

    Astronomers have created a new map of the universe which includes 1.3 million supermassive black holes...

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    Supermassive tension measured between the heaviest cosmic couple

    At some point we’ve all regretted taking too long to make a move on that special...

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    Brightest object in the universe is... A supermassive black hole?

    You’d assume that the brightest object in the known universe would be a pretty easy thing...

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    Our galaxy's black hole spins so fast it warps spacetime into a football

    A supermassive monster lurks at the center of our galaxy, and astronomers have now discovered that...

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    Most distant black hole discovered, but it's "impossibly massive"

    Astronomers have discovered the most distant – and therefore earliest – known black hole. Hiding in...

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    The oldest black hole ever seen

    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed the oldest black hole ever observed. And it...