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How to get read and write bytes/s of a process
I know that you can monitor read_bytes and write_bytes of a process with psutil.io_counters() in Python,...
Regex to extract a part of URL using stringr r package
I have the following URLS: www.google.com?utm_source=site_corriere&utm_medium=video&utm_content=box www.google.com?utm_source=site_rep&utm_medium=display&utm_content=box www.google.com?utm_source=site_fattoquotidiano&utm_medium=social&utm_content=box www.google.com?utm_source=site_inter&utm_medium=video&utm_content=box www.google.com?utm_source=site_foglio&utm_medium=video&utm_content=box Using the package stringr, I want...
pinescript tradingview indicator fibonacci adaptation
I'm looking for someone who speaks French who could help me live (meet) to explain functions...
Error reading input from php://input during test with file_put_contents in PHPUnit
I am writing tests for my PHP application, but I'm having trouble passing data to my...
Apply different treesiter injections for different filenames
I am using treesitter-go-template with neovim. I have different templates with different syntax and different file...
Issues with installing pod after installing react-native-onesignal: RuntimeError - `PBXGroup` attempted to initialize an object with unknown
After installing react-native-onesignal I got this error RuntimeError - `PBXGroup` attempted to initialize an object with...
How to restore a builtin that I overwrote by accident?
I built a program to get the total value of all the items in the inventory....
Docker build through github workflow fails while trying to pass multiple build args
I'm trying to deploy a flask app to gcp using docker and github workflows. I have...
ExecuteNonQuery() and DA.Update()
i have been trying to insert data from a Data Table into a SQL server table....
Unable to import cv2 in python ubuntu environment
My ubuntu version is : Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal...
Require the heading date in which column found the first data/value in a specific row
enter image description here Day Wise Production Buyer PO Start Date 9-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 12-Nov 14-Nov...
authentication without using emails as userid? Supabase example?
In Dexie-Cloud userId stores emails as ids. This expose user data I would prefer not to....
Assignment and comparison of class properties without boxing
Consider the following scenario: public interface ICloneable<T>: ICopyable<T> where T : ICloneable<T>, new() { public T...
Multiple make Rules without targets or prerequisites
I might have the terminology wrong so feel free to correct me. We have been abusing...
GET /sites/{site-id}/drive/root:/{item-path} does not work
Microsoft Graph API does not work as expected. This might not due to permission issue because...
npm run production stops at 43 percent
I'm working on this codebase that's using laravel mix and laravel 10. npm run dev, development,...
Not able to write a specific package name for android app in flutter
I'm trying to build a app named chatapp and while creating it package name should be...
vscode showing loading ARMschema all the time
When i want to create a ARM template for azure in vscode i installed Azure Resource...
Maven how to copy and run tests from dependencies
I attach my module with tests as a dependency to another project <dependency> <groupId>ru.qwep</groupId> <artifactId>vendor-nexus</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>...
Can I replace the dotenv package with built-in env file support from Nodejs?
Recent versions of Nodejs have support for environment files: node --env-file=.env index.js docs: https://nodejs.org/en/learn/command-line/how-to-read-environment-variables-from-nodejs But can...
YOLOv8 Training with Slurm Job on A100 GPU Results in Segmentation Fault After 4 Epochs
I'm training a YOLOv8 model from scratch on an A100 GPU using Slurm, but I’m encountering...
Final variable gets changed from refrence
Case 1 bool _privateBool = false; final finalBool = _privateBool; void main() { _privateBool = true;...
Why reports aspnetcore.dll failed to load error when deploy website
I want to deploy two existing websites in a brand new server computer(Windows Server 2022 Datacenter...
How do I test ngOnInit in Angular?
I'm using Angular and Jasmine. I've coded an edit form for an entity called a trainer....