zorbash | Bookmarks (3317)
🕵️♀️ MixAudit provides a mix deps.audit task to scan a project Mix dependencies for known Elixir...
AFP - VIDEO: Thousands gathered in...
VIDEO: Thousands gathered in France at the weekend to break the world record for the largest-ever...
DavidSHolz - In 2018 we discovered...
In 2018 we discovered 210nm light kills viruses (ie: COVID) while still remaining SAFE for people....
kamranahmedse - Big-O Notation in One...
Big-O Notation in One Picturepic.twitter.com/rfoa3fpGIx
addyosmani - TIL the CSS "-webkit-line-clamp"...
TIL the CSS "-webkit-line-clamp" property truncates multi-line text: http://bit.ly/lineclamp . It's supported in Chromium, Firefox and...