
swift × swiftui ×
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    UI alignment not looks good and is shows dots, how can I fix it

    I am trying to achieve the one design that is already completed using UIKit. The same...

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    Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Boris Bugor, Senior iOS Developer

    Boris has been working as an iOS Developer for more than five years. His latest article...

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    Deleting item of sorted data in a ForEach

    I have a ForEach that I use to display some info, sorted on it's date attribute:...

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    How to mark children as favorites in SwiftUI

    I'm trying to mark children in a list as favorites. In addition I want to create...

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    Swift UI Prevent view update when modifying published variable

    I have a chat app where all the chats are stored in an environment object. The...

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    AVSpeechSynthesizer not working in iOS Simulator

    I am trying to use AVSpeechSynthesizer to convert text to speech in my iOS app. I...

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    SwiftUI: @Published var not updating view when item from array is removed

    I know that similar questions have been posted and answered, but hear me out: struct MyView:...

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    SwiftData: How to detect when CloudKit synced (or is about to sync) new data

    Two things: How do I detect when SwiftData with CloudKit finished syncing new data from somewhere...

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    Show array of text like paragraph but each text will be tappable in swiftUI

    @State var content: [SuraReadModeAyath] = [] ForEach(content.indices, id: \.self) { index in let sura = content[index]...

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    Self created SearchBar does not properly work when using in a Form {}

    I am currently working on a small app for learning purposes, in which I have now...