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    5 Effective ways Animation elevates UX

    “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve...

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    Code Smell 246 - Modeling Expiration Dates

    In many systems, the expiry date of a credit card is often represented by simply using...

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    The 30-Day .NET Challenge, Day 10: File Paths

    The article demonstrates the built-in functions while working with file system paths. It makes it easier...

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    Design for spatial user interfaces

    Deep dive into fascinating Apple’s Spatial UI a whole new platform, key principles, building blocks, &...

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    Elixir's Impact: Shaping the Evolution of Erlang

    IntroAndrea Leopardi: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of GOTO Unscripted that we're in Copenhagen at...

  • How Rustls (Rust TLS) fights to stay faster than OpenSSL

    Rustls is a modern Transport Layer Security (TLS) library written in Rust, with the aim of...

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    Dora Metrics at Work

    sourceImagine your team secured a budget for doubling the number of software engineers. That’s great! You...

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    Meta-Learning: the future for foundation models, and how to improve it

    Ever since BERT and other large deep-learning models started becoming accessible to the mainstream, we’ve seen...