
programming ×
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    Why SQLite Performance Tuning Made Bencher 1200x Faster

    Last week, I got feedback from a user that their Bencher Perf Page was taking a...

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    Code Smell 247 - Javascript Function Naming

    Some names in immature languages break the [bijection] principle. Avoid ambiguous or bad names. Wrap with...

  • Can You Grok It :: dade

    Can You Grok It – Hacking together my own dev tunnel service Lets learn how to...

  • What are you doing this week? | Lobsters

    What are you doing this week? Feel free to share! Keep in mind it’s OK to...

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    Expect called from bash; Unexpected EOF !

    I have few legacy machines which are about to be decommissioned. There is no scope of...

  • Elegance: The Undervalued System Requirement - Systems Approach

    Our last newsletter on our shifting perspective on blockchains forced us to ask the question: what...

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    Unable to use pip, for search pyserial.

    Am learning to use pip the first time, & followed the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Kxg-EYvxM) got on googling,...

  • Subset Park: Combinatory Programming

    2024-04-06To The ProgrammerA combinator is a kind of function. Specifically, it’s a function that applies its...

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    Shape Typing in Python

    What does the dot do in JavaScript? foo.bar, foo.bar(), or foo.bar = baz - what do...

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    Python Flask Script With GUI in WebPage

    Hello all - Jayson here and I am designing a program to make a 3d solid...

  • What are you doing this weekend? | Lobsters

    Feel free to tell what you plan on doing this weekend and even ask for help...

  • p.b. hua

    2024-04-09 This is not just the source code; this is the user interface itself. Try checking...

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    Flappy Bird clone in Ruby

    Creating a Flappy Bird Clone with Ruby — How has it been ten years since Flappy...

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    AI Coding Is Going from Copilot to Autopilot

    A new breed of AI-powered coding tools have emerged—and they’re claiming to be more autonomous versions...