
machine learning ×
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    What is sovereign AI and why does Australia lag in this area?

    Discussions in Australia are heating up around the need for “sovereign artificial intelligence (AI).” According to...

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    How blue-collar workers will train the humanoids that take their jobs

    Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers have developed H2O – Human2HumanOid – a reinforcement learning-based framework that...

  • Scroll through complete life cycle of ML application developed for manufacturing facility to predict life of their product

    Predicting the Lifespan of Communication Devices : Overview of life cycle of Machine Learning project for...

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    Chronon, Airbnb's ML Feature Platform, Is Now Open Source

    A feature platform that offers observability and management tools, allows ML practitioners to use a variety...

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    New window film drops temperature, slashes energy consumption

    Assisted by quantum physics and machine learning, researchers have developed a transparent window coating that lets...

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    Towards 1-bit Machine Learning Models

    Quantizing small pre-trained models at extremely low bit-widths presents a significant challenge. While we have demonstrated...

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    App can scan your huge pile of random Lego bricks, identify each one, and suggest a building project

    BrickIt is an app that's a couple of years old, but I've just seen a demonstration...

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    Nvidia Tops Llama 2, Stable Diffusion Speed Trials

    Times change, and so must benchmarks. Now that we’re firmly in the age of massive generative...

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    Beer-tasting Belgian AI makes better brews than humans

    Guided by machine-learning models that predicted what would make Belgian beer taste more appealing, researchers tinkered...

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    CFEngine's Star Trek and AI Origins (2023)

    CFEngine is 30 years old this year. For a piece of software, that’s been quite a...

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    Can AI Solve Science ? Stephen Wolfram | NextBigFuture.com

    Stephen Wolfram’s conclusions: 00:49 Won’t AI Eventually Be Able to Do Everything? AI cannot solve science...

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    Short-term Hebbian learning can implement transformer-like attention

    Open Access Peer-reviewed Transformers have revolutionized machine learning models of language and vision, but their connection...

  • Optimizing Distributed Deep Learning: Debugging and Enhancing PyTorch Training with FSDP, DeepSpeed, and Hugging Face Accelerate

    Optimizing Distributed Deep Learning: Debugging and Enhancing PyTorch Training with FSDP, DeepSpeed, and Hugging Face Accelerate

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    Malicious AI models on Hugging Face backdoor users' machines

    At least 100 instances of malicious AI ML models were found on the Hugging Face platform,...

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    Spark 3 and GPUs to Reduce Cloud cost by up to 70%

    By Ilay Chen and Tomer AkiravAt PayPal, hundreds of thousands of Apache Spark jobs run on...