
javascript × ~lobsters ×
  • Simulating soapy water

    Do you ever just scroll mindlessly online and stumble upon a satisfying video about physics and...

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    LiveView is best with Svelte

    Phoenix's LiveView has polarized our team. Compared to SPA, there are components and features that we’re...

  • require(esm) in Node.js

    Recently I landed experimental support for require()-ing synchronous ES modules in Node.js, a feature that has...

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    WebSockets vs Server-Sent-Events vs Long-Polling vs WebRTC vs WebTransport | RxDB - JavaScript Database

    Explore the pivotal roles of WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, Long-Polling, WebRTC, and WebTransport in shaping real-time web...

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    Rolldown | Rust bundler for JavaScript

    Rolldown is a JavaScript bundler written in Rust intended to serve as the future bundler used...

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    Interesting ideas in Observable Framework

    3rd March 2024 Mike Bostock, Announcing: Observable Framework: Today we’re launching Observable 2.0 with a bold...

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    JSR: First Impressions – David Bushell – Freelance Web Design (UK)

    Until now Deno did not have or need a package registry. That may be changing with...