
java × ~hackernoon ×
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    Performance Best Practices Using Java and AWS Lambda: Initial Application

    A common use case for AWS Lambda is to integrate with DynamoDB, allowing functions to perform...

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    Performance Best Practices Using Java and AWS Lambda: Abstract and Introduction

    The most extensively used FaaS service is AWS Lambda, provided by Amazon Web Services. Java is...

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    Software Thrives Unless You Kill it First: Premature Optimization and a Tale of Java GC

    Don't go over the board with optimizations, let the language work for you. Story tell. Java...

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    Debugging Java Streams With The Peek Method

    Learn how to debug Java streams effectively using the peek() method with practical examples and tips...

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    Leveraging JMX for Efficient Debugging, Revisited

    Learn how to leverage JMX and Spring Boot for advanced debugging and management, enabling efficient monitoring...

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    Safeguarding Concurrent Programs in Java: Thread Safety from an Object Oriented Perspective

    Fundamentally, thread-safety revolves around proper management of the shared state. In absence of such proper management,...

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    Hibernate 5 and Entities Duplication: Let’s Dive Under the Hood

    Entity duplication occurs when tables are joined and multiple rows are matched. There are several methods...

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    Composite Keys: A Guide on How to Handle Them

    Most of the time, just keep it simple. Combine your composite keys into a string key...

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    How to Use Resilience4j for Ratelimiters

    Resilience4j is a lightweight library for building fault-tolerant Java applications. It offers several modules for addressing...

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    Custom Annotation-Based Authorization and Headers Propagation in Spring Boot microservices

    AspectJ custom annotation-based authorization and headers propagation using request scoped bean in Spring Boot microservices