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    How Photos Were Transmitted by Wire in 1937: The Innovative Technology of a Century Ago

    When did you last send someone a photo? That question may sound odd, owing to the...

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    An Introduction to the Astrolabe, the Medieval Smartphone

    Image by Anders Sandberg, via Wikimedia Commons Asked to imagine the character of everyday life in...

  • The Armored-Knight “Robot” Designed by Leonardo da Vinci (circa 1495)

    Image by Erik Möller, via Wikimedia Commons Those of us who were playing video games in...

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    Isaac Asimov Predicts the Future in 1982: Computers Will Be “at the Center of Everything;” Robots Will Take Human Jobs

    Four decades ago, our civilization seemed to stand on the brink of a great transformation. The...

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    Science unearths fossil fakery

    A celebrated reptile fossil discovered in the Italian alps in 1931 is mostly fake. The Tridentinosaurus antiquus was...

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    Grasshoppers are being terrorised by robot dinosaurs

    When a research team struggled to find a live dinosaur to test an evolutionary theory, they...

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    Before ChatGPT, There Was ELIZA: Watch the 1960s Chatbot in Action

    In 1966, the sociologist and critic Philip Rieff published The Triumph of the Therapeutic, which diagnosed...

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    Why Perpetual Motion Machines Never Work, Despite Centuries of Experiments

    According to the laws of physics — at least in simplified form — an object in...