
firebase ×
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    How to Efficiently Read Large Datasets from Firestore with Reduced Latency?

    I’m working on a project that requires fetching large datasets from Firestore to display patient data....

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    Thingsboard report mismatch sender Id using FCM

    We have been working on implementing push notifications in our IoT-based application using Thingsboard notification (Thingsboard...

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    Using Firebase Authentication with the Latest Next.js Features

    A comprehensive, step-by-step guide on integrating Firebase Authentication with Next.js using the zero-bundle size `next-firebase-auth-edge` library....

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    How to compare between string that i create on android studio with variable that saved on Firebase

    My Firebase Realtime Database saves each user with 4 features: name, email, password, and confirm password....

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    how to change the realtime database securtiy rule from start in locked mode to start in test mode in firebase

    Accidentally started the Firebase Realtime Database in locked mode instead of test mode. Is it possible...

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    Is there any way to do repository patterns with Firebase?

    I'm migrating my Spring Boot app to Firebase from SQL. In MySQL or MongoDB, we have...

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    Does a firebase storage reference update if its parameter is a reactive value when using with react-firebase-hooks useDownloadURL function?

    For my project, I am using next.js along with react-firebase-hooks and firebase. On my home page,...

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    How can I populate meta tags before the page is completely loaded in Nuxt?

    I have a Nuxt3 application where a blog article is loaded from Firestore using an ID...

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    Flutter Firebase Get Install

    I created a flutter project using the getx, previously I added the package in the terminal...

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    how to get Data dynamically from Firebase Database

    I've been trying to learn using firebase database for my projects. however, I cannot get it...

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    Firestore Error: db.collection is not a function in React Firebase app

    I'm encountering an issue with Firestore while trying to add documents to a collection in my...

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    Am I required to provide registration through Apple if I provide registration by phone and email using Firebase?

    Could you please help me? Am I required to provide registration through Apple if I provide...

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    Google API Python Client Firebase App Distribution HTTP 400

    I'm trying to list my builds that I have uploaded to Firebase App Distribution with the...