
debugging × ~lobsters ×
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    Mastering Observability: How We Solved a Major Bug in Just 15 Minutes

    Today I've got a story of how Observability really saves time! Our Observability improvements enabled us...

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    Data Flow Analysis for Go | The GoLand Blog

    GoLand 2023.3 comes with support for data flow analysis (DFA). In this post, we’ll introduce the...

  • refix: fast, debuggable, reproducible builds

    There's a simple way to make your builds all of the following: Reproducible/deterministic - same binaries...

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    Unlocking Kafka's Potential: Tackling Tail Latency with eBPF

    At Allegro, we use Kafka as a backbone for asynchronous communication between microservices. With up to...

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    Debugging a Mixed Python and C Language Stack | NVIDIA Technical Blog

    Debugging is difficult. Debugging across multiple languages is especially challenging, and debugging across devices often requires...

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    My Best and Worst Deadlock in Rust

    We're going to build up a deadlock together. If you're unfamiliar with Rust and/or its multithreaded...