
authentication ×
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    .NET - Is there a way to validate the httponly header and token?

    I have an ASP.NET Core 8.0 Web API that is configured to authenticate with http-only JWT...

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    Nest can't resolve dependencies of the AuthService

    Error in NestJS: "Nest can't resolve dependencies of the AuthService (?, JwtService)." I am new to...

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    What filter is used by authorizeHttpRequest.anyRequest().authenicated()?

    This is my SecurityConfig class, even though my custom filter: SettingsAPIAuthFilter successfully authenticates the request, it...

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    Detecting of Minimize of custom Chrome Tabs on Android?

    **Context: ** Our app recently switched to using Custom Chrome Tabs for authentication. WebViews wouldn't allow...

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    postfix and xoauth2 (for gmail authentication)

    Hi, I'm facing what I think is a weird problem with postfix and xoauth2 and I'm...

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    Laravel Auth attempt, after db switch

    I manually authenticate users on login, here is my full Login function public function Login(Request $request)...

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    FQDN Authentication Issue With LinOTP

    Hello Everyone, I installed Linotp 2.12.6 and integrated it with AWS workspaces using this documentation for...

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    Will the refresh tokens issue new access token if a compromised access token is sent to the server?

    I have been reading about the concepts of access tokens and refresh tokens. I get the...

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    How to Master Authentication and User Flow in Node.js With Knex and Redis

    Using Knex for database management, Redis for efficient caching, and Express for seamless routing. Create and...

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    TruffleHog: Open-source solution for scanning secrets

    TruffleHog is an open-source scanner that identifies and addresses exposed secrets throughout your entire technology stack....

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    Tamper-proof glueprints distinguish real from fake at over 99% accuracy

    ID verification tags aren’t much use if someone can just peel them off and stick them...

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    DropbearSSH with key authentication to OpenSSH server

    Hi Folks, I'd like to rsync over ssh with key authentication, however it always ask for...

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    Password Recovery with Supertokens

    I am having trouble implementing a password recovery to my project. I am using Supertokens. It's...

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    PAM authentication failure

    I've just upgraded a computer to Slackware 15.0. This release includes PAM. I'm having some authentication...

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    Advice on API Gateway Usage and Best Practices in a Hybrid Software Ecosystem

    I'm seeking guidance regarding the structure and security practices of our internal software ecosystem. We have...

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    Build DevOps for Secure Auth API Gateway using Nodejs, Aptible Terraform and Redis

    Building a secure and scalable API gateway is crucial to modern software development. In this context,...

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    Custom Annotation-Based Authorization and Headers Propagation in Spring Boot microservices

    AspectJ custom annotation-based authorization and headers propagation using request scoped bean in Spring Boot microservices

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    Cannot use Facades Auth On PHP

    i try to check auth on api php but the result is uncaught this is my...

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    Authentication for your Rails app without the icky-ness of passwords