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    Patient with Transplanted Pig Kidney Leaves Hospital for Home

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    Surgeons Transplant Pig Kidney into a Patient

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  • On the Trail of the Denisovans

    DNA has shown that the extinct humans thrived around the world, from chilly Siberia to high-altitude...

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    U.S. Moon Landing: How to Watch and What to Know

    If all goes as planned, Odysseus, a private spacecraft, will touch down on the lunar surface...

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    Alabama Says Embryos in a Lab Are Children. What Are the Implications?

    A ruling by the state’s Supreme Court could change common practices at fertility clinics in the...

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    The asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs didn't impact bird evolution: new study

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    What is a species, anyway?

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    C.D.C. Considers Ending 5-Day Isolation Period for Covid

    Americans may be advised that it’s safe to return to regular routines after one day without...

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    The Dogs That Live Longest, by a Nose

    Small dogs with prominent noses live longer than bigger, flat-faced canines, a new study suggests.

  • A Famous Black Hole Gets a Second Look From Astronomers

    Repeated studies of the supermassive black hole in the galaxy Messier 87 confirm that it continues...

  • A Bird’s-Eye View of a Technicolor World

    Scientists have devised a new video system that reveals how animals see color, and us.

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    An Ancient Woolly Mammoth Left a Diary in Her Tusk

    SKIP ADVERTISEMENTScientists are looking at layers of minerals left behind on mammoth tusks to estimate where...

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    Mystery of the Coin That Shouldn't Exist

    SKIP ADVERTISEMENTScientists recently analyzed a Peruvian 10-cent piece with an unexplained origin.A Peruvian dinero bore the...

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    How to Create a Black Hole Out of Thin Air

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