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    We Are a Place of Business

    After the disastrous launch of their Gemini AI, which insisted that George Washington was actually Black...

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    ActiveRecord::Base#pluck accepts hash values, devcontainers improve...

    Hey everyone, Happy Friday! I hope you get some time to unwind and relax going into...

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    Imperfections Create Connections

    The engine is in wrong place in a Porsche 911. It's hanging out the back, swinging...

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    Defering jobs enqueuening to after the transaction commit, queries ...

    Hi, Wojtek here exploring this week’s changes.Article.transaction do |transaction| article.update(published: true) transaction.after_commit do PublishNotificationMailer.with(article: article).deliver_later end...

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    Le Mans 2024

    This will be my 11th attempt. The first time I showed up on the grid at...

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    Be Less Precious

    The essence of the book Radical Candor is the concept of ruinous empathy. That by trying...

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    Could Apple Leave Europe?

    Apple's responses to the Digital Market Act, its recent 1.8b euro fine in the Spotify case,...

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    37Signals – DHH – Committing to Windows

    I've gone around the computing world in the past eighty hours. I've been flowing freely from...

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    Apple is in its Ballmer era

    During Ballmer's reign as CEO of Microsoft, the company always made plenty of money. While the...

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    You can own more than one type of computer

    I probably wouldn't have done a deep dive on Apple alternatives without the announcement that they...

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    Finding the Last Editor

    Some programmers can code under any conditions. Open office? They'll bring headphones. Whatever editor is on...

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    Switching to Android Was Easy

    In addition to trying out Windows for a week, I also switched my main phone number...

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    Enhanced assert_broadcasts, file support for Logger outputs and more!

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend. Emmanuel here with yet another batch of Rails updates for...

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    The Compounding Seeds of Creativity

    Early on in my career, I learned a very important lesson about creativity: It can’t be...