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    GitHub - sonic-technology/catena: Build type-safe APIs with ease

    Catena: Build Type-Safe APIs on Express — Inspired by tRPC, but you can layer it on...

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    GitHub - pahen/madge: Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies

    Madge 7.0: Create Graphs From Your Module Dependencies — A developer tool for generating a visual...

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    GitHub - ehmicky/modern-errors: Handle errors in a simple, stable, consistent way

    Modern Errors 7.0: Handle Errors in a Simple, Stable, Consistent Way — Create error classes, wrap...

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    Release 8.0.0 · google/zx

    zx v8.0: Google's Way to Write Shell Scripts with Node — A long-standing way to make...

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    GitHub - thebinarysearchtree/flyweight: An ORM for SQLite

    Flyweight: An ORM Specifically for SQLite — Some interesting ideas here, a little different to your...

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    GitHub - 11ways/janeway: 🌌 A Node.js console REPL with object inspection and many other features

    Janeway: A Node Console REPL with Object Inspection — Has some neat features including being able...

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    GitHub - taozhi8833998/node-sql-parser: Parse simple SQL statements into an abstract syntax tree (AST) with the visited tableList and convert it back to SQL

    Node SQL Parser 5.0: Parse Simple SQL into ASTs — And vice versa (turn ASTs, that...

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    GitHub - ethanent/phin: Node HTTP client

    Phin 4.0: A Simple, Dependency-Free HTTP Request Client — We last linked to this project six...

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    GitHub - Muhammad-Magdi/pgmq-js: Postgres Message Queue (PGMQ) JavaScript Client Library

    pgmq-js: A Client for Postgres Message Queue (PGMQ) — PGMQ is a message queue system built...

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    GitHub - devongovett/unplugin-parcel-macros

    unplugin-parcel-macros: Use Parcel/Bun Macros with Other Bundlers — Macros, as implemented in Parcel and Bun, are...

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    GitHub - node-usb/node-usb: Improved USB library for Node.js

    node-usb 2.12.0: An Improved USB Library for Node — Can you work with USB at a...

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    GitHub - archiverjs/node-crc32-stream: a streaming CRC32 checksumer (now with deflate support)

    node-crc32-stream 6.0: A Streaming CRC32 Checksummer — A quick way to calculate checksums, and it has...

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    GitHub - jacktuck/unfurl: Metadata scraper with support for oEmbed, Twitter Cards and Open Graph Protocol for Node.js :zap:

    Unfurl 6.4: oEmbed Metadata Scraper — Supports lifting data by way of oEmbed and on pages...

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    GitHub - animir/node-rate-limiter-flexible: Atomic counters and rate limiting tools. Limit resource access at any scale.

    node-rate-limiter-flexible 5.0: Limit Number of Actions by Key and Protect Apps from Brute Force Attacks —...

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    GitHub - bbc/sqs-consumer: Build Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) based applications without the boilerplate

    SQS Consumer 8.2: Build Amazon SQS-Based Apps Without the Boilerplate — Build SQS-based (Simple Queue Service) apps...

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    GitHub - awslabs/aws-lambda-web-adapter: Run web applications on AWS Lambda

    AWS Lambda Web Adapter: Run Typical HTTP Webapps on AWS Lambda — A handy (Rust-powered) adapter that...

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    GitHub - dashpresshq/dashpress: Generate versatile and simple to use admin apps - Run `npx dashpress` to see some magic!

    DashPress: Generate Versatile, Simple Admin Apps Quickly — Formerly known as Hadmean, this no-code admin app...

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    GitHub - eugeny-dementev/yamlify-object: Stringify object/array with yaml syntax

    yamlify-object 2.0: Stringify Objects with YAML Syntax — Take an object / array and turn it...

  • GitHub - JCMais/node-libcurl: libcurl bindings for Node.js

    node-libcurl 4.0: libcurl Bindings for Node — libcurl is a very powerful and established way to...

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    GitHub - sindresorhus/merge-streams: Merge multiple streams into a unified stream

    merge-streams: Merge Multiple Streams Into a Unified One — It’s as simple as mergeStreams([streamA, streamB])...

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    GitHub - pkg-tools/pkg-tools: An opinionated build toolchain with typed configuration. A project by @dopt.

    pkg-tools 1.0: An Opinionated Build Toolchain with Typed Configuration — A thin abstraction on top of...

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    GitHub - tinylibs/tinybench: 🔎 A simple, tiny and lightweight benchmarking library!

    Tinybench: A Tiny, Simple Benchmarking Library — No dependencies, but uses whatever precise timing capabilities are...

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    GitHub - mikesmallhelp/wacat

    ⌨️🐈  wacat: Tests Your Webapp Against 'Cat Chaos' — Uses a ‘cat walking across your keyboard’...

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    GitHub - santoshshinde2012/node-boilerplate: Node Typescript Boilerplate for Microservices. Skeleton for Node.js Apps written in TypeScript (with Setup Instructions for ESLint, Prettier, and Husky)

    Node Boilerplate 2.0: A Skeleton for Express Microservices — There's a few projects like this, but...